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North Island Main Trunk Railway
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Roads & Rails Era: 1900-1909 DateCreated: 1908 Pipitea Point Station Wellington State: Zip: 6011 Country: New Zealand Website: Creator: Rochfort, John

The North Island Main Trunk Railway permitted overland travel and development of the New Zealand hinterland. Built under challenging conditions and over difficult terrain, all cuts, fills, and tunneling were minimized by careful use of the topography and by innovative engineering. 

Over 30 miles south of Taumarunui, the North Island Main Trunk Railway climbs 2,086 feet to the edge of the great Waimarino Plateau. But over the last seven miles, an abrupt increase in altitude of over 700 feet posed an engineering challenge that led to the design of the famed Raurimu Spiral. 

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/SibleyHunter (CC BY 2.0) Image Caption: Wellington Railway Station, part of the original North Island Main Trunk Railway Era_date_from: 1908
First Successful Commercialization of Radiation Chemistry
Society: ACS Main Category: Chemical Sub Category: New Products Era: 1950-1959 DateCreated: 1957 TE Connectivity Ltd. Fremont State: CA Zip: Country: USA Website:, Creator: Cook, Paul

Founded in 1957, Raychem Corporation was the first company to successfully apply the new science of radiation chemistry to commercial use. This accomplishment led to the creation of tough new materials and high-performance products such as irradiated polyethylene insulated wire and heat-shrinkable tubing through the crosslinking of polymeric materials.

Image Credit: Image Caption: First Successful Commercialization of Radiation Chemistry Era_date_from:
Herbert Dow in 1888 Photo courtesy of the Post Street Archives.
Society: ACS Main Category: Chemical Sub Category: Industrial Advances Era: 1900s DateCreated: 1891 Herbert H. Dow Historical Museum Midland State: MI Zip: 48640 Country: USA Website:, Creator: Herbert H. Dow

On January 4, 1891, Herbert H. Dow succeeded in producing bromine electrolytically from central Michigan’s rich brine resources. In the years that followed, this and other processes developed by Dow and the company he founded led to an increasing stream of chemicals from brines. The commercial success of these endeavors helped to promote the growth of the American chemical industry.


The plaque commemorating the event reads:

Image Credit: courtesy of the Post Street Archives. Image Caption: Herbert Dow in 1888 Era_date_from:
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