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Ascutney Mill Dam
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Dams Era: 1830-1839 DateCreated: 1834 Mill Brook Windsor State: VT Zip: 05089 Country: USA Website: Creator: Beard, Ithamar , Cobb, Simeon

Ithamar A. Beard, an engineer of some prominence in New England, surveyed the mill brook and selected the best site for a storage dam. Contractor Simeon Cobb, knowledgeable of contemporary civil engineering practices, made major changes to the dam's original design, converting the linear dam into a gentle arch.

Image Credit: Courtesy Wikipedia/Ymblanter (CC BY-SA 3.0) Image Caption: The Ascutney Mill Arch-Gravity Dam Era_date_from: 1834
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Ascutney Mill Dam

Ithamar A. Beard, an engineer of some prominence in New England, surveyed the mill brook and selected the best site for a storage dam. Contractor Simeon Cobb, knowledgeable of contemporary civil engineering practices, made major changes to the dam's original design, converting the linear dam…

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