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Brooklyn Bridge
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Bridges Era: 1880-1889 DateCreated: 1883 East River Brooklyn State: NY Zip: 11201 Country: USA Website: Creator: Roebling, John, Roebling, Washington

On May 24, 1883, with schools and businesses closed for the occasion, New York celebrated the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge. Also known as the Great East River Bridge, it was built over 14 years in the face of enormous difficulties. Deaths, fire in the Brooklyn caisson, and a scandal over inferior materials all added to the turmoil. The bridge is one of the most well-recognized symbols of American engineering, and remains the unofficial Eighth Wonder of the World.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Sarah Ackerman (CC BY 2.0) Image Caption: The Brooklyn Bridge earned its title of (unofficial) Eight Wonder of the World through its incredible size and beauty Era_date_from: 1883
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Brooklyn Bridge

On May 24, 1883, with schools and businesses closed for the occasion, New York celebrated the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge. Also known as the Great East River Bridge, it was built over 14 years in the face of enormous difficulties. Deaths, fire in the Brooklyn caisson, and a scandal over…

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