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Nott, Eliphalet

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Looking at the heroic 1857 group portrait "Men of Progress", by the nineteenth-century artist Christian Schussele, a technology enthusiast might wonder who was the man sitting at the center of the picture, surrounded by such well-known giants of invention and science as Samuel F. B. Morse, Cyrus McCormick, Charles Goodyear, and Joseph Henry. Only a loyal alumnus of Union College, in Schenectady, New York, would ask, “Who are all those guys standing around Eliphalet Nott?”

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Subscribe to Nott, Eliphalet
Spring/Summer 1990 | Volume 6, Issue 1
Looking at the heroic 1857 group portrait "Men of Progress", by the nineteenth-century artist Christian Schussele, a technology enthusiast might wonder who was the man sitting at the center of the picture, surrounded by such well-known giants of invention and science as Samuel F. B. Morse, Cyrus…


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