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Eastern Regional Research Center

Society: ACS Main Category: Sub Category: Era: DateCreated: Eastern Regional Research Center Wyndmoor State: PA Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Eastern Regional Research Center

Instant mashed potatoes are commonplace on grocery shelves and have found wide use institutionally and in domestic and international food aid programs. The most successful form of instant mashed potatoes resulted from the flake process developed in the 1950s and 1960s at the Eastern Regional Research Center, a United States Department of Agriculture facility outside of Philadelphia. The process for reconstituting instant mashed potatoes devised at this facility utilized dehydration technology.

Image Credit: Image Caption: Dehydrated shredded potatoes Era_date_from:
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Instant mashed potatoes are commonplace on grocery shelves and have found wide use institutionally and in domestic and international food aid programs. The most successful form of instant mashed potatoes resulted from the flake process developed in the 1950s and 1960s at the Eastern Regional…

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