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Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Manufacturing Era: 1800-1829 DateCreated: ca. 1810 10017 Colvin Run Road Great Falls State: VA Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Unknown
Colvin Run Mill is an early 19th century operating gristmill, closely modeled on the principles developed by Oliver Evans (1755-1819). Powered by a waterwheel, the restored mill was probably built on or after 1811 on the site of an older mill. Originally, the site was the property of George Washington, who identified it as ideal for a mill site. The first verifiable documentation of gristmill business was made by Philip Carter, who purchased a 90-acre property about 1811 from William Sheppard, who probably built the original mill based on Evans' design.
Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce (CC BY 2.0) Image Caption: Colvin Run Mill Era_date_from: ca. 1810
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Colvin Run Mill is an early 19th century operating gristmill, closely modeled on the principles developed by Oliver Evans (1755-1819). Powered by a waterwheel, the restored mill was probably built on or after 1811 on the site of an older mill. Originally, the site was the property of George… Read More

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