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Fenton, F. C.

The Circular, Corrugated, Galvinized Steel Grain Bins
Society: ASABE Main Category: Agricultural & Biological Sub Category: Storage Era: 1930s DateCreated: Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, Kansas State University Manhattan State: KS Zip: 66506 Country: USA Website:,-corrugated,-galvanized-steel-grain-bins-54.aspx Creator: Fenton, F. C.

Prior to the development of circular, corrugated, galvanized steel grain bins, prefabricated, non-corrugated steel bins were used because of cost, portability, rodent resistance and waterproof features, but bin capacity was limited.  In the 1920's, corrugated bins, which were larger in size and could support greater loads, were developed and became commercially available.  In the 1930's, research programs advanced their use, notably research by F. C. Fenton at Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science and T. E.

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The Circular, Corrugated, Galvinized Steel Grain Bins

Prior to the development of circular, corrugated, galvanized steel grain bins, prefabricated, non-corrugated steel bins were used because of cost, portability, rodent resistance and waterproof features, but bin capacity was limited.  In the 1920's, corrugated bins, which were larger in…

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