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Williams-Miles History of Chemistry Collection
Society: ACS Main Category: Chemical Sub Category: Cradles of Chemistry Era: 1890-1899 DateCreated: Brackett Library Searcy State: AR Zip: 72143 Country: USA Website:, Creator: Miles, Wyndham , National Institutes of Health

The Williams-Miles History of Chemistry Collection, established in 1992, is one of the leading historical collections of chemistry books in the southern United States. It represents a combined 70 years of scholarly collecting by Wyndham D. Miles, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, and William D. Williams, Professor of Chemistry at Harding University. More than 2,000 volumes published between 1600 and 1900 are preserved here; the collection is particularly strong in 19th-century works.

Image Credit: Courtesy ACS Image Caption: Williams-Miles History of Chemistry Collection at Harding University Era_date_from:
Cooper Steam Traction Engine Collection
Society: ASME Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Agriculture Era: 1860-1869 DateCreated: 1860s Knox County Historical Society Mount Vernon State: OH Zip: 43050 Country: USA Website:, Creator: Cooper & Co.

These engines, built by Cooper & Co., of Mount Vernon are among the oldest surviving agricultural steam engines to show the evolution from the portable, skid-mounted engine (ca. 1860) to the horse-drawn engine (1875), through the self-propelled but horse-guided engine (1875) and finally to the self-propelled, self-steered traction engine (1883). Such engines powered the conversion to mechanized farming, which was a great hallmark of the Industrial Revolution.

Image Credit: Courtesy ASME Image Caption: Cooper Self-Propelled, Self-Steering Traction Engine Era_date_from: 1860s
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Manufacturing Era: 1870-1879 DateCreated: 1878 John M. Browning Firearms Museum Ogden State: UT Zip: 84401 Country: USA Website: Creator: Browning, John Moses
This collection recognizes the inventive talents of John Moses Browning (1855-1926), a prolific and significant designer of sporting and military firearms, whose designs were known for simplicity, accuracy, and reliability. He held more than 128 patents covering 80 distinct firearms produced by Winchester, Remington, Colt, Fabrique Nationale, Savage, and General Motors (during wartime), among others.
Image Credit: Public Domain; Produced prior to 1/1/1923 Image Caption: Browning Firearms Collection Era_date_from: 1878
Reuleaux Collection of Kinematic Mechanisms
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Era: 1800-1829 DateCreated: 1882 Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Ithica State: NY Zip: 14853 Country: USA Website:, Creator: Reuleaux, Franz

Kinematics is the study of geometry of motion. Reuleaux designed the models in the Cornell collection as teaching aids for invention, showing the kinematic design of machines. The mechanisms in the collection represent the fundamental components of complex machines and were conceived as elements of a basic “language of invention.” Today the models are still used in the teaching of machine design and synthesis, robotics, dynamics, architectural drawing and mathematics.

Image Credit: Courtesy ASME Image Caption: A page taken from Gustav Voigt's catalog of Reuleaux's Mechanisms, Era_date_from: 1882
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Reuleaux Collection of Kinematic Mechanisms

Kinematics is the study of geometry of motion. Reuleaux designed the models in the Cornell collection as teaching aids for invention, showing the kinematic design of machines. The mechanisms in the collection represent the fundamental components of complex machines and were conceived as elements…

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This collection recognizes the inventive talents of John Moses Browning (1855-1926), a prolific and significant designer of sporting and military firearms, whose designs were known for simplicity, accuracy, and reliability. He held more than 128 patents covering 80 distinct firearms produced by… Read More
Cooper Steam Traction Engine Collection

These engines, built by Cooper & Co., of Mount Vernon are among the oldest surviving agricultural steam engines to show the evolution from the portable, skid-mounted engine (ca. 1860) to the horse-drawn engine (1875), through the self-propelled but horse-guided engine (1875) and finally to…

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Williams-Miles History of Chemistry Collection

The Williams-Miles History of Chemistry Collection, established in 1992, is one of the leading historical collections of chemistry books in the southern United States. It represents a combined 70 years of scholarly collecting by Wyndham D. Miles, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland…

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