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Gravimetric Coal Feeder
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Manufacturing Era: 1950-1959 DateCreated: 1957 Stock Equipment Plant Chagrin Falls State: OH Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Stock, Arthur, Hardgrove, Ralph

A variety of mechanical feeders, including drag-chain conveyors and rotary pocket feeders, historically have been used to volumetrically control the flow of fuel to coal pulverizers on power generators. Most power generation in the United States has relied on burning fossil fuels in steam boilers, with coal as the fuel of choice. By the 1920s, pulverized-firing (the burning in suspension of finely ground coal particles) evolved as means to more complete fuel combustion and higher system efficiencies and facilitated the use of larger boilers.

Image Credit: Image Caption: Drawing from patent documents for Gravimetric Coal Feeder. Era_date_from: 1957
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Gravimetric Coal Feeder

A variety of mechanical feeders, including drag-chain conveyors and rotary pocket feeders, historically have been used to volumetrically control the flow of fuel to coal pulverizers on power generators. Most power generation in the United States has relied on burning fossil fuels in steam…

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