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Earthen Dam

Druid Lake Dam
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Dams Era: 1870-1879 DateCreated: 1871 Druid Hill Park Baltimore State: MD Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Martin, Robert

Like other American cities in the late 19th century, Baltimore had grown so quickly its supply system was unable to provide city residents with a dependable supply of water. Two reservoirs built outside the city helped increase capacity, but heavy rainfalls in the largely agricultural area tended to foul this additional water supply. City officials elected to construct a holding reservoir within the city - contained by an earthen dam - where silty water would be allowed to settle. No such project had ever been undertaken in the United States.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Jeff Covey (CC BY-SA 2.0) Image Caption: Druid Lake Dam Era_date_from: 1871
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Druid Lake Dam

Like other American cities in the late 19th century, Baltimore had grown so quickly its supply system was unable to provide city residents with a dependable supply of water. Two reservoirs built outside the city helped increase capacity, but heavy rainfalls in the largely agricultural area…

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