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Stevens Pass Railroad Tunnels & Switchback System
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Rail Transportation Era: 1900-1909 DateCreated: 1900 Stevens Pass State: WA Zip: 98826 Country: USA Website: Creator: Stevens, John F.

In the years following the Civil War, the land west of the Mississippi River was being settled and the Pacific Northwest explored. There remained, however, a large portion of Montana, Idaho, and Washington that contained enormous quantities of timber and minerals, but was not accessible by rail. By far the most grueling stretch was the Stevens Pass area in the Cascade Mountains.

Image Credit: Courtesy Wikipedia/Seattleretro Image Caption: Railroad development in Stevens Pass made accessible a timber and mineral rich region of Montana, Idaho, and Washington. Era_date_from: 1900
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Stevens Pass Railroad Tunnels & Switchback System

In the years following the Civil War, the land west of the Mississippi River was being settled and the Pacific Northwest explored. There remained, however, a large portion of Montana, Idaho, and Washington that contained enormous quantities of timber and minerals, but was not accessible by rail…

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