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Merrimack River

Lowell Waterpower System
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Power Generation Era: 1800-1829 DateCreated: 1821 National Historical Park Lowell State: MA Zip: 01854 Country: USA Website: Creator: Francis, James B.

Much of the sophisticated system of canals, dams, gates, and tunnels built to manage water power in 19th-century Lowell is preserved today as the basis of the Lowell National Historical Park and the Lowell Heritage State Park. Pictured above is the Boott Penstock, an early channel adjacent to the Boott Mills (right).

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Leonora Enking (CC BY-SA 2.0) Image Caption: Lowell Waterpower System: Pawtucket Gatehouse Era_date_from: 1821
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Lowell Waterpower System

Much of the sophisticated system of canals, dams, gates, and tunnels built to manage water power in 19th-century Lowell is preserved today as the basis of the Lowell National Historical Park and the Lowell Heritage State Park. Pictured above is the Boott Penstock, an early channel adjacent to…

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