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East Maui Irrigation System
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Era: 1870-1879 DateCreated: 1876-1923 East Maui State: HI Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Henry Perrine Baldwin

The East Maui Irrigation System is Hawaii's most dramatic water story. It began with the construction of the Old Hamakua Ditch built between 1876 and 1878. This privately financed, constructed and managed irrigation system was one of the largest in the United States. It eventually included 50 miles of tunnels; 24 miles of open ditches, inverted siphons and flumes; incorporates approximately 400 intakes and 8 reservoirs.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Will Scullin (CC BY 2.0) Image Caption: East Maui Irrigation Ditch Era_date_from: 1876
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East Maui Irrigation System

The East Maui Irrigation System is Hawaii's most dramatic water story. It began with the construction of the Old Hamakua Ditch built between 1876 and 1878. This privately financed, constructed and managed irrigation system was one of the largest in the United States. It eventually…

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