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Pin-Ticketing Machine
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Retail Era: 1900-1909 DateCreated: 1902 Monarch Marking Systems Miamisburg State: OH Zip: 45342 Country: USA Website:, Creator: Kohnle, Frederick

This was the first successful machine for mechanizing the identification and price marking of retail merchandise. At a single stroke of the operating handle, the machine formed a tag from a roll of stock, imprinted it with price and other information, formed a wire staple, and stapled the tag to the merchandise. This means for dispensing with handmade and written tags amounted to a minor revolution in the then rapidly expanding retail industry.

Image Credit: Courtesy ASME Image Caption: Pin-Ticketing Machine Era_date_from: 1902
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Pin-Ticketing Machine

This was the first successful machine for mechanizing the identification and price marking of retail merchandise. At a single stroke of the operating handle, the machine formed a tag from a roll of stock, imprinted it with price and other information, formed a wire staple, and stapled the tag to…

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