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Old Cape Henry Lighthouse
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Water Transportation Era: 1750-1799 DateCreated: 1792 Cape Henry Virginia Beach State: VA Zip: 23459 Country: USA Website: Creator: McComb, John

The Old Cape Henry Light house was the first construction project authorized by the First Congress. Constructed by John McComb, Jr. of New York City, this project set the stage for all subsequent public works projects of the Federal Government. In addition, this specific lighthouse was a vital navigation aid to all shipping through the Virginia Capes, thereby enhancing international and coastal trade with the Mid-Atlantic States.  

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Matt Howry (CC BY 2.0) Image Caption: Old Cape Henry Lighthouse Era_date_from: 1792
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Old Cape Henry Lighthouse

The Old Cape Henry Light house was the first construction project authorized by the First Congress. Constructed by John McComb, Jr. of New York City, this project set the stage for all subsequent public works projects of the Federal Government. In addition, this specific lighthouse was a vital…

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