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Experimental Breeder Reactor I
Society: IEEE Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Nuclear Era: 1950-1959 DateCreated: 1951 EBR-I Building Arco State: ID Zip: 83415 Country: USA Website:,_1951 Creator: Zinn, Walter

At this facility on 20 December 1951 electricity was first generated from the heat produced by a sustained nuclear reaction providing steam to a turbine generator. This event inaugurated the nuclear power industry in the United States. On 4 June 1953 EBR-I provided the first proof of "breeding" capability, producing one atom of nuclear fuel for each atom burned, and later produced electricity using a plutonium core reactor.

Image Credit: Courtesy Wikipedia/US Department of Energy Image Caption: The four lit light bulbs demonstrated the first use of nuclear electricity at Argonne National Laboratory. Era_date_from: 1951
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Experimental Breeder Reactor I

At this facility on 20 December 1951 electricity was first generated from the heat produced by a sustained nuclear reaction providing steam to a turbine generator. This event inaugurated the nuclear power industry in the United States. On 4 June 1953 EBR-I provided the first proof of "…

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