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Blimp Hangars
Society: ASCE Main Category: Aerospace & Aviation Sub Category: Aviation Era: 1940-1949 DateCreated: 1943 Moffett Drive Irvine State: CA Zip: 92606 Country: USA Website: Creator:

All building materials were made fire-resistant to protect against incendiary bombing. Treatment involved a vacuum process of salt impregnation. During construction, high winds caused a partial collapse of some members. The ruined materials were piled for incineration, but would not burn; so the rubble was buried on site. Years later, a farmer leasing ground on the site plowed up some of the materials. They were reported to still be in good condition.

Image Credit: Courtesy Wikipedia/Lordkinbote (CC BY-SA 2.0) Image Caption: Hangar No. 2 Era_date_from: 1943
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Blimp Hangars

All building materials were made fire-resistant to protect against incendiary bombing. Treatment involved a vacuum process of salt impregnation. During construction, high winds caused a partial collapse of some members. The ruined materials were piled for incineration, but would not burn; so the…

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